
34 Workouts Logged

Last 30 Days
ExerciseSets × Count
Pseudo Planche Push Ups1 × 10 reps
Vertical Row3 × 8 reps
Rings Turned Out PPPU2 × 8 reps
Romanian Deadlift3 × 8 reps
Ring Dips in L-sit3 × 8 reps
Nordic Curls2 × 8 reps
Pull Up3 × 7 reps
Barbell Squat3 × 8 reps
Trap-3 Raises1 × 10 reps
Serratus Wall Slides1 × 10 reps
Deadbugs1 × 30 secs
Wrist Stretches1 × 2 mins
Handstand5 × 60 secs
Shoulder Band Warmup1 × 10 reps
Squat Sky Reaches1 × 10 reps
Wrist Mobility Exercises1 × 10 reps
Dead Bugs1 × 30 secs
Parallel Bar support3 × 10 secs
Wall Pushup3 × 8 reps
Planche Pushup3 × 10 reps
Reverse3 × 15 reps
Wall Handstand Push Ups1 × 40 reps
Band Pull Apart3 × 15 reps
Wall Slide3 × 10 reps
Whippet3 × 12 reps
Tuck Front Lever Row3 × 8 reps
Ring Dips1 × 10 reps
Deadlift2 × 8 reps
Hollow Hold4 × 45 secs
Planche Progression4 × 15 secs
Straight Hanging Leg Raises3 × 10 reps
Front Tuck Lever3 × 20 secs
Straight Arm Chest Flies3 × 15 reps
Scap Pushups3 × 15 reps
Lsit1 × 151 secs
Pseudo Planche Lean3 × 20 secs
Scap Rolls Forward And Back1 × 21 reps
Lumbar Cat And Thoracic Cat1 × 11 reps
Plank1 × 45 secs
W Hold1 × 45 secs
Y Hold1 × 45 secs
Shoulder Rotations, Band Dislocates And Serratus Punchs1 × 11 reps
Typewriter Pull Up3 × 8 reps
Weighted Pushups3 × 15 reps
Pike Pushup3 × 10 reps
Forward Wrist Bends, Backward Wrist Bends, Squated Wrist Rotations1 × 11 reps
Elevated Pike Handstand1 × 25 secs
Squated Wrist Rotations2 × 11 reps
Wall Plank1 × 60 secs
Stomach-to-wall Handstand Practice1 × 31 secs
Hip Flexor Lunge Stretch5 × 10 reps
Freestanding Handstand3 × 30 reps
Lsit To Planche2 × 6 reps
Pushups4 × 15 reps
Planche Leans3 × 10 secs
Pullups1 × 10 reps
Pelican Negatives3 × 10 secs
Adv. Tuck Front Lever Row3 × 6 reps
Arch Hangs1 × 10 reps
Partial Rom Pistol Squats1 × 10 reps
Negative Pull Ups1 × 5 reps