

126 Workouts Logged

Last 30 Days
ExerciseSets × Count
Quad1 × 1 reps
It Band1 × 1 reps
Tfl (hip)1 × 1 reps
Inner Thigh1 × 1 reps
Piriformis (butt)1 × 1 reps
Hamstring1 × 1 reps
Calf1 × 1 reps
Shin1 × 1 reps
Shoulder Extension1 × 60 secs
Underarm Shoulder Stretch1 × 60 secs
Rear Hand Clasp1 × 60 secs
Bodyweight Squat1 × 60 secs
Standing Pike1 × 60 secs
Kneeling Lunge1 × 60 secs
Butterfly1 × 60 secs
Lying Crossover1 × 60 secs
Backbend1 × 60 secs
Foam Roll Upper Back1 × 1 mins
Foam Roll Lats2 × 1 mins
Thoracic Extensions1 × 10 reps
Cat/cow Bends1 × 15 reps
Static Internal Rotation On Yoga Block2 × 1 mins
Active Internal Rotation On Yoga Block2 × 1 mins
Sagittal Waves - Head Leading1 × 2 mins
Sagittal Waves - Hip Leading1 × 2 mins
Teacups1 × 2 mins
Wrist Mobility Exercises1 × 20 reps
Scapular Shrugs3 × 10 reps
Plank3 × 30 secs
Reverse Plank1 × 50 secs
Sitting Squat3 × 30 secs
Childs Pose1 × 60 secs
Childs Pose Lat Stretch2 × 60 secs
Wall Extensions1 × 10 reps
Chest Wall Stretch2 × 60 secs
Stair Calf Stretch2 × 60 secs
Front Scale Leg Lifts6 × 10 reps
Hamstring Lunge Stretch2 × 60 secs
Hip Flexor Lunge Stretch2 × 60 secs
Foam Roll Pecs2 × 1 mins
Foam Roll Arms2 × 1 mins
Shoulder Circles Front And Back2 × 3 reps
Double Chin Exercise1 × 20 reps
Lti Stretch On Bench1 × 30 secs
Thoracic Extension1 × 5 reps
Ear To Shoulder Stretch2 × 30 secs
Nose To Shoulder Stretch2 × 30 secs
Side To Side Waves1 × 2 mins
Arm Waves1 × 2 mins
Frog Pump2 × 20 reps
Deficit Reverse Lunge Left1 × 12 reps
Deficit Reverse Lunge Right1 × 12 reps
Elevated Glute Bridge Left1 × 14 reps
Elevated Glute Bridge Right1 × 14 reps
Side Lying Hip Abduction Left1 × 15 reps
Side Lying Hip Abduction Right1 × 15 reps
Back Extentions1 × 12 reps
Single Leg Hip Thrust Left1 × 10 reps
Single Leg Hip Thrust Right1 × 10 reps
Step Ups Right3 × 20 reps
Step Ups Left3 × 20 reps
Bulgarian Split Squats Left2 × 8 reps
Bulgarian Split Squats Right2 × 8 reps
Side Lying Hip Raise Left3 × 10 reps
Side Lying Hip Raise Right3 × 10 reps
Quadruped Leg Swing Left1 × 11 reps
Quadruped Leg Swing Right1 × 11 reps
Trap 3 Raise (10 Each Side)1 × 10 reps
External Rotation (10 Each Side)1 × 10 reps
Serratus Wall Slides1 × 10 reps
Combined Bodyline Drills1 × 3 mins
Shoulder Rolls1 × 6 reps
Foot-supported L-sit1 × 30 secs
Stomach-to-Wall Handstand Practice1 × 10 mins
Shoulder Shrug Circles1 × 10 reps
Hollow Hold1 × 55 secs
Frog Stance1 × 5 mins
Incline Pushup3 × 8 reps
Assisted Bodyweight Squat3 × 8 reps
Incline Row3 × 8 reps
Bear Crawl1 × 2 mins
Shoulder Band Warmup1 × 10 reps
Squat Jumps1 × 15 reps
Split Squat4 × 8 reps
Ido's Squat Routine1 × 1 reps
Vertical Row3 × 8 reps
Three-plane Neck Movement1 × 10 reps
Finger Flexion/extension1 × 10 reps
Wrist Circles1 × 10 reps
Elbow Circles1 × 10 reps
Large Arm Circles1 × 10 reps
Circular Shrugs1 × 10 reps
Torso Twists1 × 10 reps
Side Bends1 × 10 reps
Forward/back Bends1 × 10 reps
Pelvic Tilts1 × 10 reps
Hula-hoop Hip Circles1 × 10 reps
Leg Rotations1 × 10 reps
High Knee Raises1 × 12 reps
Kick Backs / Butt Kicks1 × 10 reps
Ankle Circles1 × 10 reps
Ankle Tilts1 × 10 reps
Toe Flexion/extension1 × 10 reps
Diagonal Stretch1 × 5 reps
Squat Sky Reaches1 × 10 reps
Dead Bugs1 × 30 secs
Romanian Deadlift1 × 8 reps
Scapular Pulls3 × 6 reps
Parallel Bar support3 × 30 secs
Single Legged Deadlift4 × 8 reps
Banded Pallof Press2 × 10 reps
Reverse Hyperextension3 × 8 reps
Cat/Cow Bends1 × 7 reps
Bulgarian Split Squats3 × 5 reps
Single Leg Good morning Stretch1 × 5 reps
Walking Lunges3 × 8 reps
Pushup3 × 8 reps
Horizontal Row2 × 8 reps
Plank Shoulder Taps3 × 8 reps
Barbell Squat1 × 5 reps
Bench Press (Barbell)1 × 5 reps
Bent Over Row (Barbell)1 × 5 reps
Overhead Press1 × 5 reps
Deadlift1 × 5 reps