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Upper body 2
Wrist Mobility Exercises
2-3 mins
Resistance Band Shoulder Exercises
3 mins
Floor Tricep Extensions
5-6 reps
Scapular Mobility
5-6 reps
Scapular Pulls
8-10 reps
Hollow Hold
30 s
Side Plank
30 s
Static Work
One-leg Foot Supported L-sit
10-12 reps
Stomach-to-wall Handstand Practice
60 s
Planche Lean
20 s
Rest 60 seconds
One-leg Foot Supported L-sit
10-12 reps
Stomach-to-wall Handstand Practice
60 s
Planche Lean
20 s
Rest 60 seconds
One-leg Foot Supported L-sit
10-12 reps
Stomach-to-wall Handstand Practice
60 s
Planche Lean
20 s
Rest 60 seconds
Rings Turned Out Support Hold
60 s
Dynamic Work
1st Pair
Bulgarian Dips
8-12 reps
Ring L-sit Pull Up
6-10 reps
Rest 120 seconds
Bulgarian Dips
8-12 reps
Ring L-sit Pull Up
6-10 reps
Rest 120 seconds
Bulgarian Dips
8-12 reps
Ring L-sit Pull Up
6-10 reps
Rest 120 seconds
2nd Pair
Combined Atomic Push-ups
6-10 reps
Front Lever
6-12 reps
Rest 120 seconds
Combined Atomic Push-ups
6-10 reps
Front Lever
6-12 reps
Rest 120 seconds
Combined Atomic Push-ups
6-10 reps
Front Lever
6-12 reps
Rest 120 seconds
Auxiliary - trio
Pelican Curls
6-12 reps
Supine Maltese To Plance Press
12-20 reps
Face Pulls
8-12 reps
Rest 120 seconds
Pelican Curls
6-12 reps
Supine Maltese To Plance Press
12-20 reps
Face Pulls
8-12 reps
Rest 120 seconds
Pelican Curls
6-12 reps
Supine Maltese To Plance Press
12-20 reps
Face Pulls
8-12 reps