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Bodyweight Fitness Routine

Combination of the following routines: - BWF Routine - Hybrid Calisthenics Currently starting with: core anterior, core posterior, horizontal push, horizontal pull. Will add: vertical push (dips), lunge, back bridge, elbow levers (plank). Advanced: vertical pull, overhead push (handstand pushups)

Core A - Anterior

Deadbug 0 - Breath Control
Deadbug 1a - One arm extension
Deadbug 1b - Both arms extension
Deadbug 3 - Single leg extension
Deadbug 5 - Double leg extension
Deadbug 6 - Full layouts
6-10 reps
6-10 reps
6-10 reps

Core B - Posterior

Birddog 1 - Static hold
Birddog 2a - Arm lift
Birddog 2b - Leg lift
Birddog 2c - Leg extension
Birddog 3 - Opposite limb lift
Birddog 4 - Full birddog extensions
Superman raises
5-12 reps
5-12 reps
5-12 reps
Superman hold
Horizontal reverse hyperextension

Posterior Chain (Glute/Hamstrings, Hinge)

Glute bridge
15-50 reps
15-50 reps
15-50 reps
Single leg bridge
Elevated glute bridge
Elevated single leg glute bridge
Bridge curl negatives
Bridge curls
8-15 reps
8-15 reps
8-15 reps


Assisted squats
Half squats
10-50 reps
10-50 reps
Full squats
10-30 reps
10-30 reps
Narrow squats
10-30 reps
10-30 reps
Split squat
5-20 reps
5-20 reps
Bulgarian split squats


Vertical row
30-50 reps
30-50 reps
30-50 reps
High incline row
15-30 reps
15-30 reps
15-30 reps
Low incline row
10-25 reps
10-25 reps
10-25 reps
Horizontal row
5-25 reps
5-25 reps
5-25 reps


Wall pushups
30-50 reps
30-50 reps
30-50 reps
High incline pushup
Incline pushup
Thigh incline pushup
Knee level incline pushup
Shin level incline pushup
Knee pushups
10-30 reps
10-30 reps
10-30 reps
5-25 reps
5-25 reps
5-25 reps
Narrow pushups
5-20 reps
5-20 reps
5-20 reps
Decline pushups
5-20 reps
5-20 reps
5-20 reps