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Mobility B
Perform 2-3 sets of each circuit (exercise pair) before moving on to the next.
Perform 2-3 sets of each circuit (exercise pair) before moving on to the next.
Circuit A
Dead Hang
30-60 s
Stright Leg Hip Hinge (good Mornings)
10 reps
Dead Hang
30-60 s
Stright Leg Hip Hinge (good Mornings)
10 reps
Dead Hang
30-60 s
Stright Leg Hip Hinge (good Mornings)
10 reps
Circuit B
Wall Butterfly
10 reps
90/90 Hip Ir Isometrics
5-10 reps
Wall Butterfly
10 reps
90/90 Hip Ir Isometrics
5-10 reps
Wall Butterfly
10 reps
90/90 Hip Ir Isometrics
5-10 reps
Circuit C
Couch (hip Flexor) Stretch
30-60 s
Butcher's Block
30-60 s
Couch (hip Flexor) Stretch
30-60 s
Butcher's Block
30-60 s
Couch (hip Flexor) Stretch
30-60 s
Butcher's Block
30-60 s