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Band Dislocates
50 s
Chest Wall Stretch
45 s
Scapular Shrugs
45 s
Hollow Hold
45 s
Wrist Mobility Exercises
30 s
Ring Dip (elbows In)
8-10 reps
Ring Dip (elbows In)
8-10 reps
Ring Dip (elbows In)
8-10 reps
Ring Dip (elbows In)
8-10 reps
Archer Pushup (alternating)
6-8 reps
Archer Pushup (alternating)
6-8 reps
Archer Pushup (alternating)
6-8 reps
Archer Pushup (alternating)
6-8 reps
Chest Fly
8-12 reps
Chest Fly
8-12 reps
Chest Fly
8-12 reps
Tricep Dip
8-15 reps
Tricep Dip
8-15 reps
Tricep Dip
8-15 reps
Tricep Extension
8-12 reps
Tricep Extension
8-12 reps
Tricep Extension
8-12 reps
Diamond Pushup (8-15! Down Series)
8-15 reps