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Bodyweight + Strength

By @

My default


Dynamic Stretches

Strength Work

Pair 1
5-8 reps

Rest 90 seconds

Rest 90 seconds

5-8 reps

Rest 90 seconds

Rest 90 seconds

5-8 reps

Rest 90 seconds

Rest 90 seconds

Pair 2

Rest 90 seconds

Rest 90 seconds

Rest 90 seconds

Rest 90 seconds

Rest 90 seconds

Rest 90 seconds

Pair 3

Rest 90 seconds

Rest 90 seconds

Rest 90 seconds

Rest 90 seconds

Rest 90 seconds

Rest 90 seconds

Core Triplet
60 s

Rest 60 seconds

Rest 60 seconds

Rest 60 seconds

60 s

Rest 60 seconds

Rest 60 seconds

Rest 60 seconds

60 s

Rest 60 seconds

Rest 60 seconds